The Most Important SEO Metrics

The Most Important SEO Metrics

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a group of techniques applied to websites to increase their reach. If you do it right then, you can rank better, and the potential traffic can increase. That’s why learning SEO strategies can help you get both. If you’re starting with SEO, you need to know tracking SEO metrics to help you evaluate which strategies will be successful in bringing you sales. SEO tracking is essential if you want to do SEO on your website, as it can ensure that your investment is worth the results you will receive.

Maybe those of you who are just starting or learning SEO are wondering, “what is SEO tracking, and why is it so important?” SEO tracking is measuring SEO performance to help create even better SEO strategies. The largest advantage of digital marketing is that you can measure almost any strategy you are running.
In this article, we have prepared some very important SEO metrics to keep track of. Keep reading!

Most Important SEO Metrics to Track

To help you plan a successful SEO strategy, we have prepared several SEO metrics that you can use as a reference in planning an SEO strategy. Here are some of the most important SEO metrics to track that you should know:

domain authority seo score

Domain Authority SEO Score

The authority of the domain on which a website is registered can be determined using a comparative metric from MOZ. Their metric has a 100 point scale. The higher the authority score, the better. It demonstrates how likely it is that a site from a given domain will rank high on Google. This metric calculates authority on several metrics such as web index, link weight, and more.

It has been proven to be one of the most reliable metrics for determining the high ranking on a search results page. Increasing domain authority invariably translates into more traffic and higher site rank. Fortunately, domain authority can be improved through constant and careful work.

Bounce Rate

The most important SEO metric to track is the bounce rate, where this SEO metric can show the number of sessions visited on a page. You can see how many people leave your website immediately without any further involvement—for example, visiting other pages on your website or making calls.

If you ask, “is the bounce rate bad for the website?” If the bounce rate is high, of course, it isn’t good for your website. Because a good website has a low bounce rate, that means a good visitor satisfaction rate. Don’t be surprised if almost all SEO service specialists recommend that website owners have quality content to reduce bounce rates.

When you track the bounce rate metrics, you’ll know which of your web pages have a high bounce rate. That way, you can fix the page immediately. Besides, you can determine whether your web speed is maximal by tracking the bounce rate metric because speed affects the high bounce rate.

External Links to the Site (Backlinks)

Backlinks are links to your site from any other site. Some companies track these indicators exclusively.
In SEO, everyone knows that inbound link count is the essential component of a website’s “health and wellness.” Without strong backlinks, you won’t have good search engine optimization, traffic, and internet marketing success. Backlinks show crawlers that a site is helpful, valuable, meaningful, and worthy of high rankings.

However, don’t rely on the number of backlinks as a defining metric to take action. A site can have billions of backlinks, but a vast percentage of them can be spam, thereby undermining the site’s credibility. It is a lot more efficient to get a small number of backlinks with significant weight because they are located on reputable sites.

Page Speed

It is a measure of the speed at which the page loads in the browser. The download speed is determined when the user requests to open a site until it is fully loaded. The network server response time, page size (measured in bytes), and request complexity are considered. The most significant pointer, in this case, is the number of seconds/milliseconds in which the page appears in the browser window.
This matters for two reasons:

  • SEO
  • User-friendliness

From an SEO standpoint, Google has been known to underestimate slow-loading sites. Pages that need more time to load have high bounce rates and low user attraction rates. This isn’t very pleasant and makes you want to open another window in parallel.

There are many valuable resources for tracking page load statistics. We recommend the following 2:
Quicksprout – Provides accessible metrics for load speed in seconds, page size, high-frequency queries, and a full report with the graphical presentation, metrics, and recommendations. All this allows you to determine the rank of the site.

PageSpeed ​​Insights is also a free extension available for various browsers on both desktop and mobile displays. It allows you to evaluate the efficiency of a web page and provides improvement tips.

index of the number of indexed pages

Index of the Number of Indexed Pages

This is the number of pages viewed by search robots, then displaying them in search queries. Indexed pages are essentially the amount of content on a site. For example, the more blog articles you write, the more indexed pages you have and the more opportunities you have to increase your site’s rankings for the given keywords. Besides, you can “strengthen” the set of internal links on your page using indexed and linked pages.

However, having a large number of indexed pages does not mean that your site will automatically receive a higher ranking. The more quality content you post, the number of indexed pages will be, and the better your site will rank. You can determine the number of indexed pages using Google Webmaster Tools (shows the number of pages at a given moment and the tendency of their indexing by Google in the future) or using the operator entered in the search line “site:”

Organic Traffic

Traffic is very important for a website, especially organic traffic. Organic traffic is all visitors who come to your website or your blog that come from search engines. Traffic is one of the most critical metrics for measuring SEO results. By looking at the amount of traffic, you can get an idea of ​​how your website performs in general and directly measure your SEO strategy.

The goal of an SEO strategy is to increase organic traffic. That’s why traffic metrics are so essential for you to track because tracking organic traffic can help you find the best SEO strategy.

When you track traffic metrics, you can find out how well you are ranking in the search engines if you rank well in search engines but don’t have a lot of potential organic traffic. You can re-plan a cutting-edge SEO strategy to bring in more traffic.

To track organic traffic metrics, you can use a tool provided by Google, namely Google Analytics. With this tool, you can see the amount of organic traffic per month, per week, even per day. You can also find out about new visitors, bounce rates, and more.

Alexa Ranking

In SEO studies, Alexa rank is a reference structure. This structure, which can be used in site arrangements and user experience references, also has a great place in search engine optimization. However, Alexa rank is not a direct answer to SEO. It is a system that includes many factors that affect SEO. Besides, it is possible to get suggestions for your SEO work with Website Traffic Tool, which you can use via

Conversion Rate

Almost everyone agrees that conversion rate is the most critical SEO metric to track. Conversions occur when the prospect completes the action you want. Conversions do not just take a call action. They can also be in the form of subscribing to your articles. But for businesses, conversions are often associated with purchases made by visitors.
Having 10,000 visitors per month is great, but turning 20% into customers is something you should focus on. If your goal of doing SEO is to get sales, then tracking conversion rates is very important.

Tracking conversions is a great way to find out if your SEO strategy is working. When you find things that keep your visitors from converting, it will be easier for you to plan a better SEO strategy for your website.

social traffic

Social Traffic

SMM is social media traffic, and SEO optimizes the site itself, both internal and external. These are different directions, but both of them are aimed at the same goal – to attract people to your product or website. The only difference is that they are attracted from social networks in the first and second cases from search engines.

Time needed: 1 hour.

Accordingly, the working methods are different here. Basic for SMM:

  1. Create a Community

    Creation of a community on your topic.

  2. Share Content

    Publish exciting materials in social networks and distribute them.

  3. Make New Members

    It is attracting new members to the community.

  4. Advertise

    Targeted advertising of your services or products.

Of course, the community is tied to the site, and its members go there regularly. Search engines in social networks are very active and react quickly to the appearance of links to the site there and such transitions. They notice when people are interested in your links, and they put likes, reposts on them, write comments. These are all called social signals, and they refer to ranking factors, which is SEO.

FAQs About SEO Metrics Which are the Most Important

Why are metrics needed for SEO?

To determine a better marketing strategy from now on.

What are the drawbacks of SEO as a marketing strategy?

Take a long time and competition is very high.

What happens when you track the bounce rate metric?

When you start tracking the bounce rate metric, you can check if your web speed is maximal because speed affects the high bounce rate.

How can I see the loading speed of my web pages?

To see the loading speed of each of your web pages, you can use Page Speed ​​Insight by Google.

How can I check the number of website visitors is coming from social media channels?

You can check how many website visitors are coming from social media channels with Google Analytics.

Briefly SEO Metrics Which are the Most Important

It’s important to understand that SEO metrics are critical to the success of any content marketing campaign.
Without paying attention to SEO, content is unlikely to deliver its full potential, which means you miss valuable traffic and potential conversions. Are you new to SEO? Or, is your website new to SEO? If so, take a look at our guide on how to perform new website SEO.

The post The Most Important SEO Metrics is republished from Dopinger Blog


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