What Is 10x Content? (Quality Factors & Examples)

What Is 10x Content? (Quality Factors & Examples)

Nowadays, SEO-compatible article ads or phrases such as “keyword content must pass 3 times 5 times” are still circulating, but it doesn’t work that way for Google anymore. As time went on, evolving technology also enabled Google and Google algorithms to develop. Google now expresses support for content that benefits the user clearly and directly addresses the user’s needs. At this point, there is only one type of content that benefits 10 times more, i.e. 10x Content. You will find in detail in today’s article what 10X Content, a concept created and developed by Rand Fishkin, the founder of Moz, who is well known to the SEO world, is.

10x Content is a content concept that we can describe as content that is 10 times more useful than a result with the best order in search results, either a specific keyword and phrase.

Quality content doesn’t depend on how many times you use the keyword. Content alone is not and cannot be text. It would not be wrong to say that this fact is one of the most important items that should not be forgotten about the user experience for quality content. Here you can guide you to 10x Content and its criteria while you are in the process of creating and planning content at this point.

So what are these criteria? What is the logic of the 10x Content concept and its own rules and the feeling it wants to awaken?

Factors That Improve 10x Content Quality

  • Long content
  • Navigation
  • Good research
  • Easy and explaining narration
  • Materialization and intermediate title usage
10x Content Criteria

Some Criteria for 10x Content

The 10x Content criteria are:

  • You should write the content in a unique, extraordinary, and surprising way.
  • The content must be detailed and different from other works serving users of the same visitor or the same idea.
  • Content should usually be high quality, reliable, convenient, interesting, and remarkable. These criteria should be a combination, not all.
  • Your content must have an emotional effect. To accept content 10x Content, the user must have a sense of joy, expectation, and admiration when faced with the content.
  • Content must solve a problem or answer the question correctly and thoroughly and have a great UI and UX on each device.

If you can meet all the above criteria, you can have 10x Content.

Creating Interactions with Users

Users who consume your content should perform the most important reaction, which symbolizes the benefit they see, the “I must share this!” action in them. This reaction will clearly show you that the content benefits from a user’s point of view and is also excited.

Your Content Should Affect the User

Regardless of the type of content you create, you should give users an unconventional experience with everything from the content. You can do this with content that hosts infographic, or you can create it with simpler content. We will share previous examples with you in the continuation of our article. The visitor should make a call on Youtube and experience the same feeling and feeling in your content as he finds himself in so many other videos afterward and spends so much time!

Fast, Powerful and Charismatic Content

Your content must be fast, powerful, and charismatic, just like Speedy Gonzales! To put it technically, you must eliminate technical issues such as page loading speed and mobile compatibility.

“That’s It” Moment

You have to answer users’ questions by letting them say, “That’s it!” without going home with clear and reliable resources.

It Must Be Different from Competing Content

Instead of addressing the same content and subheadings that have received good rankings, you should take care to make your content different by adding different items.

10x Content Benefits

What are 10x Content Benefits?

When you produce better quality content than your competitors, i.e., much more useful content, you will have done a great ad work with almost zero cost, with users consuming this content and sharing it on various social media accounts. If you use the 10x Content concept very well and your site does not find very serious behaviors contrary to SEO parameters, you can take part in the first page with a good ranking. 

Another benefit that 10x Content content will provide you will be the natural backlink. This content you have prepared will be at a high level in terms of user benefit. So other people and websites will likely link to you. In other words, you can do this accurately and naturally with your content, which most people still do for a fee. It is also undeniable that it will contribute greatly to increasing page stay time and getting the rate of exit to better levels immediately.

Will This Content Bring New Visitors – Customers to Your Site?

First of all, we must remember that we are exposing the content we produce to create a specific audience or to mobilize this audience. Each content we produce must have main goals, such as attracting new customers, attracting new readers, increasing traffic, branding, or connecting. If you have provided a certain authority, it will be easier for you to achieve success in issues such as traffic, new customer-readers, and sales.

How to Create 10x Content

How to Create 10x Content?

So what kind of process is waiting for us when we control all of this?

We tried to explain in 5 steps what kind of process we need to follow to check that you meet all these criteria.

First Step: You Must Go Deep Into the Subject

If there’s something in your mind, you should take a deeper look at it. You should look for answers to questions such as why people are interested in this content.

As an example:

“I wonder about the vegetables that have the highest antioxidant properties.”

If we’re going to address this question, we need to understand how the person who made this call thinks and set a strategy accordingly. At this point, the question that users want to ask is, “Can you help me choose the food I’m going to eat?”

When we go deep into this problem, we can imagine that there are many sub-branches. The criterion the user is looking for at the meal is the nutritional value, protein ratio, maybe the benefit of the vegetable. Who knows, maybe instead of going to the dietitian, the reader in the way of making a diet list by giving himself a macro and micro calculation. That’s how deeply we have to think about creating our content.

Step Two: Being Unique

It wouldn’t be wrong if we brainstormed this search in different ways, and we could assess the nutritional values of the food people love.

But this information is already available on popular diet sites. “Healthline,” for example, contains and offers the nutritional values of almost all foods on its site. It also explains nutrients with details up to calorie values. So this feature can’t be unique to us. However, it will be unique to set the goals that the user can aim for and show them the appropriate scenarios according to the option.

Let’s continue with our example. Let’s say the user who performs such a call has a goal between weakening or gaining volume. Situations such as presenting these two beauties to the visiting user and then introducing high-antioxidant meals according to the target they choose and explaining how to make these meals at home will make us unique in this regard. Because there is no other site that offers it, and sites close to it do not have 10 times more useful content like us. Now we have a unique topic, and we have successfully taken the second step!

Step Three: You Must Find Strong and Reliable Answers

It would be a very strong and reliable answer for us to make the user prepare a dietitian or nutrition and sports expert who specializes in the list that will be presented according to the user’s goal, and the user’s feelings. Thus, we have completed the third step.

Step Four: You Must Find an Unusual Way to Deliver Content

You must find an unusual way to present the content to the user. This should have an extraordinary impact on the user’s eyes, and the trust and excitement it feels against the user’s content must reach the maximum level. If we have to continue with this, we can say that Healthline has done this before. You can find different and unusual ways by examining the work of your competitors.

Step Five: Make This Assessment 5-10 Times Before Each Content

The only way to be good at this concept is to experiment and practice. By doing this over and over again, we guarantee that you will understand how you uncover such an item, how your feelings about user reactions can develop, and how you should offer it over time.

SEO Tools for 10x Content

What SEO Tools Should You Use When Preparing 10x Content?

We can add many SEO tools here based on the content of your article and your strategy. We wanted to sort you out of the tools that you can generally benefit from here.

SEO tools that you can help and use in subheadings:

  • Ahrefs
  • Kwfinder
  • Google Ads Keyword Planner
  • Semrush

You can also detect keywords and the best content from your competitors through the Ahrefs tool. Thus, your strategy will be formed with more solid foundations. 

Free Tools for 10X Content

Canva for Visual Preparation with Information Content:

It is an online design tool that can serve as a lifeguard in your business and daily life and use it incredibly easily. Canva has so many beautiful ready-made templates that you can enter the designer way when you use them.

Renderforest for Video Animation Preparation with Information Content:

The prices of online vehicles and offline vehicles used by most people today and their performance at this price may not always be very adequate. Many people who want to promote their ideas and business can implement their ideas much simpler and appropriately through the Renderforest app. You can also create videos that will make your articles more impressive.

“Infogr.am” for Informational Video Animation and Infographic Preparation:

It is a website that allows anyone who has an “Infogr.am” computer to design infographics simply, even with the minimal stream. There are multiple ready-made themes available on the site. You select only one theme and enter the necessary information, and the website prepares your infographic in a very short period. We also recommend this tool to make your 10x content more effective.

10x Content Examples

Here are a few examples of 10x Content that we like. You can discover these content and similar content without having difficulty with you on the internet. These examples will help you with content production. We also hope that these examples will differentiate your perspective.

What’s Warming the World Bloomberg

A 10x Example of Content that will allow you to wish that social responsibility projects be in this way in the future.

How a Car Works

How does a car work? We think you’ve at least once wondered how these machines work, which you frequently use in everyday life and make our job easier. Here in this guide, you can find in a very nice way what function each piece performs. It is a nice example of 10x content.

Film Dialogue

It’s an example of quality content that shows us how much of the conversations in the movies belong to men and women, and that offer gender and this approach in a percentage. Content can inspire you in your production.

We’ve listed other examples for you:

  • Slightly More Than 100 Fantastic Pieces of Journalism
  • The Fermi Paradox
  • Snow Fall The Avalanche at Tunnel Creek
  • A Five-Minute Guide to Better Typography
  • The 100 Best Tv Episodes Of The Century

Here is the perfect 10x Content pool for you! Don’t forget to review it.


Why is it Important to have 10x Content?

The user experience has become a bigger deal for consumers and search engines.

Mobile compatibility and fast page upload speeds are often positive user experience-related features, and Google is in the process of adapting its algorithms to track them.

People’s expectations for high-quality content have increased. Because there are many alternatives.

We have seen an explosion of interactive web technologies in the last five years. The once-legend “flash” is dead.
There is a wide range of options for designers and developers on interaction surfaces.

What will you create in 10x Content?

Nothing is easy. Don’t expect every 10x piece of content you produce to be a hit. Yet discovering 10x content will help you improve your blogging output to the next level. Through offering customers content that is of better quality than the best of your competitors, you would hope to attract readership, build a closer connection with your audience, and be more proud of the work you do!

How important is the length of my content in 10x Content?

Just like with a long-form sales copy, if you make a connection with your audience and there’s real value in the content, they won’t mind spending time digesting it. Go over 500 words. 10x Content uses as much material as it requires to express the message and provide the reader with superior actionable actions.


In this article, we explained what 10x Content is. To be able to get to the top of the search engines, it is necessary to meet many criteria. As a result of nearly 200 criteria, Google bots analyze content and sort content that will benefit visitors the most on the first page. We see the best content in 1st place.

The quality of the content is very important for getting out on the first page and gaining organic visitors. One of the most popular types of content in recent times stands out as 10x Content. This type, which we can describe as “10 times better content,” aims to produce content 10 times better than the content previously produced on that subject. So you should produce content 10 times better than the content of competitors in the top 3-4 rankings.

Producing purely comprehensive and impeccable content from your competitors will fit the logic of 10x Content and ensure your success. Although it is more difficult to prepare content 10 times better than standard content, it will be worth it when you see the result you’ve put in. You can even exit the first page or even first place with the 10x Content technique using video, pictures, source links, and materials that your other competitors don’t use!

If you like this article, please check out our other articles. You may find useful information regarding SEO, and Google products.

The post What Is 10x Content? (Quality Factors & Examples) is republished from Dopinger Blog


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